It's been quite a spring. I've been enjoying every moment of it. It's hard to tell which is taking most of my time. I have a list, like we all do, and it seems that that list stays about the same. I mean I cross things off, add others and all in all, the number of things that need to be done, pretty much stays the same.

The one exception is that sometimes one item will jump to the priority "Top of the List" category. So everything drops until I can fix that first.
It's exciting when I can actually cross something off. A time to celebrate and reflect on the process that it took to complete it. Give thanks and move on. It's a special time that brings closure and enjoyment for me. Yep. I love a good ritual.
At the moment I'm grinding on two projects. One is finishing my 2019 Lecture Notes - "Magic Keepers We" Are and the other one is my first attempt at a downloadable video called "Get A Job" - my work on the Barrel Head Game.
The later is a routine that puts instant cash in your pocket while playing with people. They will give you their money because they really want to. You've got to love that.
My learning curve on the video process is slowly getting there. It will be out in a week or two, at least that's the plan. Software has a whole new learning curve. Just like magic, "It's easy, once you know the secret.
My season of sailing is slowing down. Florida gets up into the mid to upper 90's soon with dew points into the upper 70's. That translates into a gooey, drippy, nasty feeling where by just standing still you feel that drip of sweat running down your back and slipping between you cheeks and... Well, I just like to call our summers "Tropical." Enough said about that.

Panacea has been a little needy here lately, so she's getting touched in some very special places where I have to hire a young kid to crawl into places that need reached. Yep a small skinny kid with long arms and a lot of strength is one of the best tools I can get these days.
I'm in Myrtle Beach, SC at the moment. Taking care of a grandkid while my daughter bounces around in Caribbean waters. It's been a great visit. We've spent a lot of time with both of our granddaughters here and it's been great to learn more about their lives. We are off to Fort Myers Beach, FL on Monday. So I'll get your orders out when I get home.
So what's new in my show, well I've been working on a Ball & Cone routine for over two decades. I can hone the heck out it doing street magic. I think I'll put on the final touches and slip it in the show this summer. I think it's about time. It's a fun thing to do. Great visuals, nicely paced and I can do it with music, in silence, reciting a poem, etc. So it becomes that nice plug in piece when the time is right.
So that's about it for now. Time to get back to the editing bay and get "Get a Job" out there for you guys to make some money. Sign up to be notified of the launch at my website. Look at the bottom of the page.
I wish you all good luck and continued success in whatever you choose to do. Above all, get out there and spread the magic. It's who and what you are.
Light & Magic
Bro. Paul West
Instagram: #bropaulwest

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