I was thinking that I'd start storing my Home Page Notes here just to archive them and keep me from repeating myself. I've done that before. But at 70, I accept that as part of the process. I'll see how it goes.

Jester James & Bro. Paul - "The Eggs in the Glasses" - Well sort of.
When the "eggs" hit the water shoots 12 feet in the air. I loved it. (Hard to pack.)
Notes: "From the Road"
September 1, 2022
Well it's Labor Day Weekend. I'll be at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival doing eight shows a day and sharing the Magic. If you are in the area, stop by catch a show, a turkey leg and a cold one and kick back with tons of stages of entertainment, jousting, food and drink as well as general fun and frivolity. As for the latest Road Nuggets Project session, it was a whole lot better than #1, but on the tech side, I had an issue with my work screen overlaying on the live screen. I just went with it and knew that there was a checkbox that was or was not clicked. But being live, I let it slide and tried to keep my composure. The next one will be even better. I found the issue and it's fixed. This tech stuff is keeping me laughing. Maybe it is better to just write a book. Hmmm... I don't think so. I'm not giving up. I can do this. Come and enjoy the next one on September 27th. I'll be giving you two ways to use your business card during a card trick that will make people keep your card and tell the story of, "The magician that made an impression." Some folks are asking if I still make CellGrasps to keep your phone securely on your hand to improve your pics and vids. Well I do still make 'em. I'll put them up on this site shortly, or you can go to CellGrasp.com and pick one up there. I've got the patent on it and it's a very unique invention. Check it out. I've got to run. Make sure you make something special happen in someone's life today. Share your kindness to every living thing and the gifts you will receive from that will come to you ten fold. I promise. "Follow your Dreams, for your Dreams you shall become." See you soon. - Bro. Paul "One day, you'll wake up and there won't be anymore time to do the things you've always wanted. Do it NOW." - Paulo Coelho

See you next time...
Bro. Paul West