Times are crazy. Delays in Loop Ball productions come and go. But, I'm right on the edge of making it happen. I promise, I'll tell the whole story about travel, puppies and play.
It's an interesting World we live in these days. So much has changed. I'm thinking that there is much that is good coming out of the last 18 months. Personally I'm embracing the changes and learning to adapt in my own way, as we all are. I know that WE are the ones that are in control of our destinies.
I wish I could think of a better word to use instead of ramblings, but in actuality, that's what they are. Jumbled thoughts that come floating by and I grab a few of them and expand them into a thing called my life.
I remember a guy that gave me the phrase, "Do what you've always done and you'll get what you've always gotten." That little phrase has stayed with me for decades. I ponder it a lot when I get stuck in a rut and within a few hours, I have a bunch of new thoughts to put into action. Some work, Some don't. But that's exactly what thoughts are for. My mind is a pretty active thing and I love the process of picking out stuff that really works for me. Personally and for my profession. My latest attack is my crazy Loop Ball project. I love the Loop Ball. It's quick, visual and truly magic. So much can be done with the concept. My love of it put me on the quest to make myself a light, strong ball that manipulated like a feather. My research pushed me toward a 3D printed ball with a honeycomb core. It would be ultra light and strong. Hmmm
Perfect. I started printing balls until I had the two sizes that I wanted a 42mm (1.6 in.) and a 51mm (2.5 in.) Then the process of printing was honed. Production followed and testing began. I didn't think to much about the finishing of the ball until I started doing the testing.
First a had to grind them to get all the "Printing Lines" off of the ball. Then start the sanding process. Seven different grits of sandpaper from 120 to 1500 grit. That's just to get it smooth and as uniformed as possible. Each one is different but, maybe I'm the one that can see the differences.
'Finishing was a process. I tried several different finishes from glossy to flat and the flat was the winner. It catches the light better for visibility. I even asked my wife's druthers and she liked the flat finish. So the ball is drilled sealed and finished.
After that it was just getting bags, thread, thread holder a cork and a short video to get the new loop ball students off the ground flying.
So basically, the making of the ball is very time consuming. With that said, I'm committed to the project. I'm just limited to how many I can produce at a time. I'll keep them stocked as best I can and still perform, lecture and play along the way.
It's time to hit the road now. The car is being packed with the show, the shop, the stock, and all the Garlic stuff too. You can here us now yelling, "Road Trip." It's been a while.
Be sure and subscribe if you want updates along the road. I'll be using my blog to lay out the trip and keep you up to date. I appreciate you all and wish you the best that life has to bring. It's a good life. Be grateful and breathe deeply... Hold it... Exhale slowly through parted lips now... I feel more relaxed
Love, Light & Magic...
Bro. Paul West
