
"The hard must become habit. The habit must become easy. The easy must become beautiful."
Doug Henning
Bro. Paul's 2025 Lecture - Book Early.
"Magic Keepers We Are"
My lecture, "Magic Keepers We Are" is alive and well. I look forward to sharing with you what I have been so graciously given for the past 51 years.
Sharing my Magic with the Magician community is a very special time for me. I share story and also make sure you get more than enough things to work on in your private space.
No, you won't get it all, but I promise you that I'll give you more than you can chew on. I'm here for you, before, during and after our time together.

Everyone will take there places, introductions will begin and then we'll get warmed up with some magic. The lecture begins, a short break, the second half and then we'll have a cup of coffee and chat with Q & A's and general conversation and stories.
So let's get together for an evening of Magic. I truly look forward to getting our knees under the same table for a while. My contact information is below. You can drop me an email at: Paul@BrotherPaulMagic.com to get the ball rolling. Thanks, I look forward to playing with you soon...
"If you do what you've always done...
You'll get what you've always gotten."
When I think about doing a lecture for Magicians, I get excited. Not just because I get to share my personal history, Magic, ideas and thoughts it's because we, as magicians, are a mix of pretty amazing people. So diverse as well as being so incredibly the same.
My lecture: "Magic Keepers We Are" covers many topics as well as some of the Magic that has served me well.
If you would like to connect with me about a Lecture for your club, region or organization, use the form below and I'll get in contact with you. Or call me directly anytime. It's a good time for all.